We have great news for you!
You will now be able to unlock Steam Achievements.
What kind of Achievements?
They are currently 22 and most of them won't be so hard to unlock.
We think it's the good number for this game to give you more objectives and fun. You will have to cut a certain number of trees or kill enough enemies. Try to collect as lot bonuses as you can and finish the game in high difficulty mode if you want to unlock 100% of achievements.
They are all translated in your language (currently 8), and not only in english. Moreover, you will be able to unlock them when you are offline. Stats and achievements will be synchronized the next time you launch the game in online mode.
Others updates
New path / Slower movement speed:
On the forfth area, you had to walk a lot to collect bonuses and it wasn't funny to back to defend your chest. We know you prefer to cut these trees than just walking around, so we created a new path. To compensate the time saved, we decreased a lot the movement speed. It's not a bad news because you were so fast that it wasn't really easy to move. We solved two problems which will make your games more enjoyables.
Pressing tab button will now give you the progress on the map like in real game. You will increase your progress score when you collect bonuses, and when you kill straw men and towers to get more XP. This score helps you to know if it's possible for you to become stronger.
Minimap indicators have also been updated to show you your objectives.
The camera follow the character and may be blocked by the mountains on the lower floors because we can't easily hide the ground. There's a known problem that happens in a lot of top-down game style. Some improvements have been made and this problem should not ocure when you are playing and should not disturb the gameplay.
All collisions have been controlled and you should not fall in a hole and stay blocked forever. Unfortunately, it may happen that the character try to force the collision to reach a point and fall in a hole. Now, the speed has been decreased and it's a good point for the collision management. If you fall too low, you will be teleported on your treasure chest side. But don't worry, you shouldn't have any problems as we reinforced the collision detection.
14 Février 2018